The Art of Engagement: Time-Tested Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

In India's competitive insurance market, merely selling a policy isn’t the endgame. The mantra? Engage and follow-up.

The Art of Engagement: Time-Tested Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

In India's competitive insurance market, merely selling a policy isn’t the endgame. The mantra? Engage and follow-up. A recently published report revealed that 83% of satisfied customers would consider switching their insurance if contacted with a better offer. So, what makes the difference between retaining a client and losing one? Often, it's about the level of engagement and the depth of your follow-up.

Why is Customer Engagement Imperative for Insurance Advisors?

  • Builds Trust and Loyalty: Engaged customers tend to develop trust, ensuring higher loyalty and fewer switches to competitors.

  • Boosts Referrals: A study indicates that engaged customers are 70% more likely to recommend a service to friends and family.

  • Increased Wallet Share: Higher engagement can result in clients buying more policies or upgrading existing ones.

Engaging and Following-Up: Where Do Most Go Wrong?

  • Is your message personalized?
    Over 68% of customers feel frustrated when communications aren’t tailored to them.
  • How frequently are you connecting?
    Too much, and you risk annoyance. Too little, and you’re forgotten.
  • Are you adding value in every interaction?
    Merely saying "Hi" won’t cut it. Offer insights, updates, or ask for feedback.

So, as an insurance advisor, how can you redefine this journey of engagement and ensure that your customer feels valued?

Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

  • Understand Their Needs:
  • Conduct a 'need analyzer' at the onset. Understand why they sought insurance and what their expectations are.
  • Use this information in future communications, ensuring they are relevant and hit the right chord.
  • Consistent Communication:
  • Schedule regular check-ins. However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Research suggests that quarterly check-ins lead to 20% higher customer satisfaction than monthly ones.
  • Educate and Update:
  • Launch 'learning journeys' – short, insightful updates on industry changes, benefits of their policies, or general insurance news.
  • Use AI-powered Insights:
  • AI can help predict when a customer might be considering a change, allowing you to step in proactively.
  • Customize Your Presentations:
  • Each customer is unique. Use a 'customizable presentation engine' that allows you to tailor-make your pitch, ensuring higher relevancy.

Are Sales Playbooks the Answer?

A growing trend in the sales readiness space is the use of Sales Playbooks. Here's why they could be a game-changer for insurance advisors:

  • Standardized yet Customizable: While it provides a standardized approach, Sales Playbooks allow customization based on the client’s profile, ensuring relevancy.
  • Just-in-time Content: Get the right pitch, data, and approach at your fingertips, ensuring you're never caught unprepared.
  • AI-Powered Roleplays: Practice your pitch, get feedback, refine, and be sales-ready.

The world of Sales Playbook Automation is rapidly redefining how sales training is delivered. No longer are long-drawn traditional training programs or LMS the go-to solutions.

Enter Sharpsell: Your Sales Co-Pilot

Sharpsell isn't just another tool; it’s a revolution in Sales Training and Readiness. By integrating the best of Sales Playbook Automation, Sharpsell provides just-in-time content, AI-driven roleplays, a customizable presentation engine, and more.

For the modern insurance advisor in India, Sharpsell isn't just a platform; it's an ecosystem that ensures you're always a step ahead in your engagement journey.

Final Thoughts

In the rapidly evolving insurance landscape in India, being an advisor is no longer about just selling a policy. It’s about building relationships, fostering trust, and staying relevant. And with tools like Sharpsell, ensuring consistent engagement and efficient follow-up isn't a challenge but a competitive advantage. So, are you ready to redefine your sales journey? To know more about sales playbooks for insurance reach out to or email

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  • Why organizations look for Sales Enablement
  • How Sales Enablement is different from traditional LMS or CRM
  • The industry best practices for Sales Enablement
  • Implementation challenges and how to overcome them
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Abhijit Paul

The Art of Engagement: Time-Tested Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

The Art of Engagement: Time-Tested Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

In India's competitive insurance market, merely selling a policy isn’t the endgame. The mantra? Engage and follow-up.
Abhijit Paul
April 11, 2023

In India's competitive insurance market, merely selling a policy isn’t the endgame. The mantra? Engage and follow-up. A recently published report revealed that 83% of satisfied customers would consider switching their insurance if contacted with a better offer. So, what makes the difference between retaining a client and losing one? Often, it's about the level of engagement and the depth of your follow-up.

Why is Customer Engagement Imperative for Insurance Advisors?

  • Builds Trust and Loyalty: Engaged customers tend to develop trust, ensuring higher loyalty and fewer switches to competitors.

  • Boosts Referrals: A study indicates that engaged customers are 70% more likely to recommend a service to friends and family.

  • Increased Wallet Share: Higher engagement can result in clients buying more policies or upgrading existing ones.

Engaging and Following-Up: Where Do Most Go Wrong?

  • Is your message personalized?
    Over 68% of customers feel frustrated when communications aren’t tailored to them.
  • How frequently are you connecting?
    Too much, and you risk annoyance. Too little, and you’re forgotten.
  • Are you adding value in every interaction?
    Merely saying "Hi" won’t cut it. Offer insights, updates, or ask for feedback.

So, as an insurance advisor, how can you redefine this journey of engagement and ensure that your customer feels valued?

Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

  • Understand Their Needs:
  • Conduct a 'need analyzer' at the onset. Understand why they sought insurance and what their expectations are.
  • Use this information in future communications, ensuring they are relevant and hit the right chord.
  • Consistent Communication:
  • Schedule regular check-ins. However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Research suggests that quarterly check-ins lead to 20% higher customer satisfaction than monthly ones.
  • Educate and Update:
  • Launch 'learning journeys' – short, insightful updates on industry changes, benefits of their policies, or general insurance news.
  • Use AI-powered Insights:
  • AI can help predict when a customer might be considering a change, allowing you to step in proactively.
  • Customize Your Presentations:
  • Each customer is unique. Use a 'customizable presentation engine' that allows you to tailor-make your pitch, ensuring higher relevancy.

Are Sales Playbooks the Answer?

A growing trend in the sales readiness space is the use of Sales Playbooks. Here's why they could be a game-changer for insurance advisors:

  • Standardized yet Customizable: While it provides a standardized approach, Sales Playbooks allow customization based on the client’s profile, ensuring relevancy.
  • Just-in-time Content: Get the right pitch, data, and approach at your fingertips, ensuring you're never caught unprepared.
  • AI-Powered Roleplays: Practice your pitch, get feedback, refine, and be sales-ready.

The world of Sales Playbook Automation is rapidly redefining how sales training is delivered. No longer are long-drawn traditional training programs or LMS the go-to solutions.

Enter Sharpsell: Your Sales Co-Pilot

Sharpsell isn't just another tool; it’s a revolution in Sales Training and Readiness. By integrating the best of Sales Playbook Automation, Sharpsell provides just-in-time content, AI-driven roleplays, a customizable presentation engine, and more.

For the modern insurance advisor in India, Sharpsell isn't just a platform; it's an ecosystem that ensures you're always a step ahead in your engagement journey.

Final Thoughts

In the rapidly evolving insurance landscape in India, being an advisor is no longer about just selling a policy. It’s about building relationships, fostering trust, and staying relevant. And with tools like Sharpsell, ensuring consistent engagement and efficient follow-up isn't a challenge but a competitive advantage. So, are you ready to redefine your sales journey? To know more about sales playbooks for insurance reach out to or email

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The Art of Engagement: Time-Tested Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

September 11, 2024
5 min
Abhijit Paul
Abhijit Paul
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In India's competitive insurance market, merely selling a policy isn’t the endgame. The mantra? Engage and follow-up. A recently published report revealed that 83% of satisfied customers would consider switching their insurance if contacted with a better offer. So, what makes the difference between retaining a client and losing one? Often, it's about the level of engagement and the depth of your follow-up.

Why is Customer Engagement Imperative for Insurance Advisors?

  • Builds Trust and Loyalty: Engaged customers tend to develop trust, ensuring higher loyalty and fewer switches to competitors.

  • Boosts Referrals: A study indicates that engaged customers are 70% more likely to recommend a service to friends and family.

  • Increased Wallet Share: Higher engagement can result in clients buying more policies or upgrading existing ones.

Engaging and Following-Up: Where Do Most Go Wrong?

  • Is your message personalized?
    Over 68% of customers feel frustrated when communications aren’t tailored to them.
  • How frequently are you connecting?
    Too much, and you risk annoyance. Too little, and you’re forgotten.
  • Are you adding value in every interaction?
    Merely saying "Hi" won’t cut it. Offer insights, updates, or ask for feedback.

So, as an insurance advisor, how can you redefine this journey of engagement and ensure that your customer feels valued?

Best Practices for Insurance Advisors

  • Understand Their Needs:
  • Conduct a 'need analyzer' at the onset. Understand why they sought insurance and what their expectations are.
  • Use this information in future communications, ensuring they are relevant and hit the right chord.
  • Consistent Communication:
  • Schedule regular check-ins. However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Research suggests that quarterly check-ins lead to 20% higher customer satisfaction than monthly ones.
  • Educate and Update:
  • Launch 'learning journeys' – short, insightful updates on industry changes, benefits of their policies, or general insurance news.
  • Use AI-powered Insights:
  • AI can help predict when a customer might be considering a change, allowing you to step in proactively.
  • Customize Your Presentations:
  • Each customer is unique. Use a 'customizable presentation engine' that allows you to tailor-make your pitch, ensuring higher relevancy.

Are Sales Playbooks the Answer?

A growing trend in the sales readiness space is the use of Sales Playbooks. Here's why they could be a game-changer for insurance advisors:

  • Standardized yet Customizable: While it provides a standardized approach, Sales Playbooks allow customization based on the client’s profile, ensuring relevancy.
  • Just-in-time Content: Get the right pitch, data, and approach at your fingertips, ensuring you're never caught unprepared.
  • AI-Powered Roleplays: Practice your pitch, get feedback, refine, and be sales-ready.

The world of Sales Playbook Automation is rapidly redefining how sales training is delivered. No longer are long-drawn traditional training programs or LMS the go-to solutions.

Enter Sharpsell: Your Sales Co-Pilot

Sharpsell isn't just another tool; it’s a revolution in Sales Training and Readiness. By integrating the best of Sales Playbook Automation, Sharpsell provides just-in-time content, AI-driven roleplays, a customizable presentation engine, and more.

For the modern insurance advisor in India, Sharpsell isn't just a platform; it's an ecosystem that ensures you're always a step ahead in your engagement journey.

Final Thoughts

In the rapidly evolving insurance landscape in India, being an advisor is no longer about just selling a policy. It’s about building relationships, fostering trust, and staying relevant. And with tools like Sharpsell, ensuring consistent engagement and efficient follow-up isn't a challenge but a competitive advantage. So, are you ready to redefine your sales journey? To know more about sales playbooks for insurance reach out to or email

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